Mueller’s office disputes Buzzfeed’s Cohen story
Posted by Josh Taylor / January 19, 2019
Recently, Buzzfeed released an article claiming that Donald Trump ordered Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about the Moscow Tower project. The news went off like a bomb. Every major news network covered it. It dominated cable news, with the notable but unsurprising exception of Fox. Congress was even ready to investigate. More people were becoming convinced that impeachment was immanent.
Mueller’s office, however, disputes Buzzfeed’s story. Peter Carr, Mueller’s spokesman, said in a statement: “BuzzFeed’s description of specific statements to the Special Counsel’s Office, and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office, regarding Michael Cohen’s Congressional testimony are not accurate.”
Reuters notes, however, that
While Carr did not directly address whether there was evidence that Trump directed Cohen to lie to Congress, he disputed portions of the story about how BuzzFeed corroborated the explosive allegations against Trump.
The Washington Post points out
The special counsel’s office has only rarely issued public statements since it was created in May 2017; it had never previously issued a public statement regarding evidence in its investigation into Trump and Russian interference in the 2016 election.
More news.
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