Author: staff
Happy National Margarita Day!
Posted by staff / February 22, 2013Still recovering from Valentine’s Day or a lack thereof? Then pour that tequila with pride and purpose tonight, folks, because it’s National Margarita Day, a celebration for which we need no reason just a salty glass, some lime and liquor! Chris Preovolos at the San Francisco Gate has a few choice recipes for this basic …
Read MoreA birthday song free-for-all!
Posted by staff / February 21, 2013If there’s one entity that should be available for free kicks, it’s whoever got their paws on the copyright to “Happy Birthday to You,” but since Time Warner isn’t offering up their hindquarters on which to vent our frustrations, Free Music Archive decided to run a contest to offer the public a free way to …
Read MorePenis size and foot size. Studies say…
Posted by staff / February 21, 2013Before we get started, did you know that there was an app that supposedly correlates penis size with foot size? Hewlett-Packard released one called Chubby Checker and is now being sued. I have the new BlackBerry and will have to get BB on to adding this to their stable before it’s pulled. But seriously, …
Read More12 blog blunders and quick fixes
Posted by staff / February 21, 2013If you’re planning to blog for business, it’s absolutely vital to make your site as inviting as possible, but just as you wouldn’t fill your front office with garbage, there are certain tricks to making the best impression possible for virtual visitors, too. Peg Fitzpatrick has written a tough love list of twelve blunders commonly …
Read MoreThe day hell froze over: Snow comes to Arizona
Posted by staff / February 21, 2013If you’re connected to anyone living in Arizona on social media, you’ve noticed the avalanche of pics showing a delicate brushing of snow across the cacti and palm trees that spend the summer sweltering in the kind of heat most of us only experience opening the oven. While snow in Tucson isn’t completely unheard of, …
Read MoreTiny planet is a bit bigger than Earth’s moon
Posted by staff / February 20, 2013A planet discovered outside our solar system is smaller than Mercury, the smallest planet orbiting our sun. The planet, about the size of the Earth’s moon, is one of three orbiting a star designated Kepler-37 in the Cygnus-Lyra region of the Milky Way. “The detection of such a small planet shows for the first time …
Read MoreWhy seals can nap with half their brain
Posted by staff / February 20, 2013Seals can sleep with just half of their brain at a time, and biologists have discovered some of the chemicals involved. “Seals do something biologically amazing—they sleep with half their brain at a time. The left side of their brain can sleep while the right side stays awake. Seals sleep this way while they’re in …
Read MoreThe making of Mt. Rushmore
Posted by staff / February 19, 2013The project took fourteen years: 1927-1941. It is 60 feet tall and 185 feet wide. Most of the sculpturing was done with dynamite. (Shared using )
Read MoreHow to become a game designer [infographic]
Posted by staff / February 18, 2013No need to let all those hours playing video games go to waste. Why not get into the game yourself by becoming part of a team designing the next big thing? This infographic from looks at what skills you’ll need to acquire, which schools have the best programs and what you can expect upon …
Read MoreFrom the Ugh Files: Neo-Nazis from group called H.E.S.S. hired by Amazon Germany
Posted by staff / February 17, 2013Someone at Amazon’s German offices made a colossal mistake when they hired a security firm called H.E.S.S. to oversee the security of seasonal migrant workers at Christmas. Hess of course, was the name of Hitler’s deputy. In this case it stands for Hensel European Security Services but that, combined with the uniforms and jack boots …
Read MoreHow to stop tears and 7 other great body tricks
Posted by staff / February 16, 2013Trying to stop yourself from crying usually only makes the situation worse, and the same goes for fainting, hiccups and dreaded motion sickness, but who hasn’t found themselves in a situation where maintaining control is an absolute must? The next time your body starts to rebel, try one of these tricks from Madonna Behen and …
Read MoreThe Oxford comma: Decried, defended, and debated [infographic]
Posted by staff / February 16, 2013No matter what side of the Oxford comma debate you find yourself on, you’ll be surprised to find out that Oxford’s own PR department doesn’t even use the punctuation anymore, but that’s only the beginning of the fun facts about the controversial comma in this infographic from Via Make your mark with infographics.
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